07 April 2010

BLINK-182 anuncia su gira europea oficial

*August 9* GBR London (not festival)

*August 10* GBR Manchester (not festival)

*August 11* GBR Newcastle (not festival)

*August 12* GBR Glasgow (not festival)

*August 14* HUN Budapest, Sziget Festival (August 11-16)

*August 15* CHE Zurich (not festival)

*August 16* ESP Barcelona (not festival)

*August 17* FRA Paris (not festival)

August 19 BEL Kiewit, Pukkelpop (August 19-21)

August 20 NET Biddinghuizen, Lowlands (August 20-22)

August 21 GER Lüdinghausen, Area4 Festival (August 20-22)

August 22 GER Hainburg, Highfield Festival (August 20-22)

August 24 GER Hamburg (not festival)

August 25 GER Übersee, Chiemsee Rocks (August 25)

August 27 FRA Saint-Cloud, Rock En Seine (August 27-29)

August 28 GBR Leeds, Leeds Festival (August 27-29)

August 29 GBR Reading, Reading Festival (August 27-29)

August 31 IRE Dublin (not festival)

September 3 AUT Wiesen, Two Days A Week + 1 (September 2-4)

September 4 ITA Bologna, I-Day Festival (September 4)

1 comment:

  1. As well as playing this summer's Reading and Leeds festivals, pop-punk heroes Blink 182 will also play dates in Scotland and Ireland.

    Which are as follows:

    16 Aberdeen, Exhibition Centre
    17 Glasgow, SECC
    31 Dublin, The O2

    Tickets go on sale this Friday (April 9) from www.aloud.com.


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